(2019) (Elle Fanning, Zlatko Buric) (PG-13)
- Drama: A poor teen enters a televised singing competition show in hopes of winning it all, with an unlikely ally helping her along the way.
- Violet Valenski (ELLE FANNING) is a 17-year-old teen who lives with her single mom, Marla (AGNIESZKA GROCHOWSKA), on a farm on the Isle of Wight. They don't have much money, so beyond selling produce from their farm, they both also work at a local pub, while Violet secretly makes spare change entertaining sparse crowds performing karaoke. With her love of singing, she's enticed by local tryouts for the televised singing contest show known as Teen Spirit.
But not wanting her mom to know and being underage, she convinces former opera singer Vlad (ZLATKO BURIC) -- who previously saw her perform at the karaoke bar -- to pretend that he's her guardian and sign the entry form for her. His one condition is that if she makes it big, he'll become her manager. She agrees and enters the competition with support from her classmate, Luke (ARCHIE MADEKWE), who has a band of his own that eventually plays her accompanying music.
Winning the local audition, it's off to London for Violet who not only meets the show's previous winner, Keyan (RUAIRI O'CONNOR), but also the executive producer, Jules (REBECCA HALL), who wants her to follow suit and sign on with her before the final competition. But with that meaning she'd have to cut Vlad out of the loop, Violet must decide what to do as the pressure mounts with the show fast approaching.
- Those who are fans of Elle Fanning or singing competition TV shows like "American Idol" might have interest in seeing it.
- For some suggestive content, and for teen drinking and smoking.
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