(2017) (Chris Evans, McKenna Grace) (PG-13)
- Drama: A single man fights to retain custody of his brilliant 7-year-old niece who he's raised since his sister's suicide years ago and wants to live as normal a kid's life as possible, much to the dismay of the girl's grandmother.
- Frank Adler (CHRIS EVANS) is a former assistant professor turned boat repairman who lives with his 7-year-old niece, Mary (McKENNA GRACE), in a small Florida town where her best friend -- and only real friend -- is their middle-aged landlord, Roberta Taylor (OCTAVIA SPENCER). Mary's mother, a gifted mathematician, committed suicide when the girl was just an infant, and Frank has cared for the girl who turned out to have inherited her mother's high intelligence. Mary is so smart that she sees no need to go to school or interact with other kids, but Frank insists, and the girl's intelligence immediately draws the interest of her teacher, Bonnie Stevenson (JENNY SLATE).
When Frank turns down the principal's offer to get Mary into a school for the gifted on a free scholarship, the girl's grandmother (and Frank's mother), Evelyn (LINDSAY DUNCAN), is eventually contacted and Frank soon finds himself facing a custody hearing. With the help of his lawyer, Greg Cullen (GLENN PLUMMER), Frank -- who wants his niece to grow up as much as possible as a normal kid -- does what he can to try to prove he can provide the best environment for the girl, all while Evelyn -- a former mathematician herself -- believes and argues she can provide a better one for Mary.
- Since it revolves around a young girl, that could be something of a draw, as might some of the cast members if viewers are fans of theirs.
- For thematic elements, language and some suggestive material.
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