(2015) (Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter) (PG-13)
- Drama: An early 20th century British woman must contend with the ramifications of joining the suffragette movement.
- It's 1912 and 24-year-old Maud Watts (CAREY MULLIGAN) has worked in London's Glasshouse Laundry since she was seven. The hours are long and the conditions tough, but her husband, Sonny (BEN WHISHAW), also works there and they live in a small flat with their young son, George (ADAM MICHAEL DODD).
Maud has tried to steer clear of the local suffragette movement that's striving to secure voting rights for women, but that changes when she sees a coworker, Violet Miller (ANNE-MARIE DUFF), at a local protest that turns violent. Violet convinces Maud to join the cause, and she hesitantly does, first meeting other suffragettes such as physician Edith Ellyn (HELENA BONHAM CARTER) -- whose husband, Hugh (FINBAR LYNCH), fully supports her -- and others including Miss Withers (AMANDA LAWRENCE) and Emily Davison (NATALIE PRESS).
Maud's newfound interest is only cemented when she hears the words of the Women's Social and Political Union movement's leader, Emmeline Pankhurst (MERYL STREEP). But her involvement doesn't sit well with her mean boss, Norman Taylor (GEOFF BELL), or Sonny who becomes increasingly concerned about and then irritated by her actions.
That only gets worse when government officials hire Inspector Arthur Steed (BRENDAN GLEESON) to observe and harass the suffragettes, with Emmeline's calls for increasingly violent protest only further fanning the flames. As Maud continues with her involvement, she must contend not only with him, but also the ramifications this has on her marriage and access to her son.
- Older teens might, especially if they're interested in the subject matter or are fans of anyone in the cast.
- For some intense violence, thematic elements, brief strong language and partial nudity.
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