(2013) (Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson) (R)
- Sci-Fi/Drama: A lonely writer in the not-so-distant future ends up falling in love with his sentient computer operating system.
- It's the not-so-distant future and Theodore Twombly (JOAQUIN PHOENIX) is a man living in a skyscraper filled Los Angeles. He works writing letters, love notes and so on for people who don't have the time, means or desire to do so themselves. He's quite good at that, something admired by the company's happy-go-lucky receptionist, Paul (CHRIS PRATT).
But things aren't so good for Theodore on the personal front. His marriage to Catherine (ROONEY MARA) is all but over, with just the divorce papers needing to be signed. His married neighbor friends, Amy (AMY ADAMS) and Charles (MATT LETSCHER), hope he'll find happiness and a new woman in his life, but a phone sex call and unrelated blind date don't go well.
He does, however, find a kindred spirit in his computer's operating system. Named Samantha (voice of SCARLETT JOHANSSON), she's a complex array of programming designed to be sentient, something that allows her to observe Theodore and quickly attempt to solve his problems with the efficiency of a computer but warmth of a real human personality. They find that they're kindred spirits of sorts and eventually begin an unorthodox relationship, including falling in love and having virtual sex.
But like any relationship, the honeymoon phase ends and small issues begin to arise. With that including her continuing to evolve in her mixture of computer and human characteristics and abilities, the future of their romance comes into doubt.
- Preteens likely won't, but mid to older teens might show an interest, especially if they're fans of anyone in the cast or the film's director.
- For language, sexual content and brief graphic nudity.
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