[Screen It]


(2013) (Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro) (PG-13)

Alcohol/Drugs Heavy
Blood/Gross Stuff Heavy
Disrespectful/Bad Attitude Heavy
Frightening/Tense Scenes Mild
Gun/Weapons None
Imitative Behavior Heavy
Jump Scenes Mild
Music (Scary/Tense) None
Music (Inappropriate) Minor
Profanity Heavy
Sex/Nudity Heavy
Smoking None
Tense Family Scenes Moderate
Topics to Talk About Heavy
Violence Moderate

Dramedy: Two champion boxers return to the ring three decades after their last bout to determine who's the best as well as release their frustrations and gripes about each other.
Back in the 1980s, Henry "Razor" Sharp (SYLVESTER STALLONE) and Billy "The Kid" McDonnen (ROBERT DE NIRO) were the champions of the light heavyweight boxing world. But after splitting their two bouts, Henry abruptly retired, leaving the status of who was the best undetermined. Since then, Henry has returned to the Pittsburg mill where he worked before becoming famous, while Billy has opened a car dealership along with a restaurant and dinner club. They're brought back into the boxing world when Dante Slate, Jr. (KEVIN HART), the son of the notorious promoter who put on their former matches, wants to hire the two boxers for a day's worth of work creating video game representations of themselves.

The two men immediately clash once more, with their in-studio fisticuffs being posted online and immediately going viral. As a result, Dante manages to milk that into calls for an actual rematch between the two. Billy is all for it, while Henry is initially reluctant, but eventually agrees. Someone who's against the idea is Sally (KIM BASINGER), Henry's former girlfriend who cheated on him back in the '80s with Billy, resulting in B.J. (JON BERNTHAL) being born. He's now a college strength conditioning coach with a son of his own, Trey (CAMDEN GRAY), and initially wants nothing to do with the father he's only just met.

But since Billy can't get boxing trainer Frankie Brite (LL COOL J) to condition him, Billy convinces B.J. to sign up for the job. At the same time, Henry recruits his former trainer, Louis "Lightning" Conlon (ALAN ARKIN), from the nursing home where he lives to be his corner man. With the day of the big fight approaching, the two older boxers try to get back in shape, all while dealing with issues that have left thirty years of animosity between them.

Some older teens might possibly be interested. Otherwise, it's highly unlikely (unless they're really into boxing movies or are fans of the older leads).
For sports action violence, sexual content and language.

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Winston Salem, NC

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Moreno Valley California

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